The Beautiful Cockatiel
There once was a Little Cockatiel
With feathers soft and grey.
He loved little shiny things
He loved to hide and play.
The Little Cockatiel chirped all day
singing his pretty song,
But when it came time for bed,
He stayed up all night long.
Scary thoughts filled his mind,
Nothing good came from that.
Instead, he sat on his perch.
Plucking feathers from his back.
Clumps of feathers piled on the floor.
Little cockatiel pulled, more and more.
He looked into the mirror,
Unsure of what to do.
“Oh no!” The worries filled his head,
I only have a few
But he pulled and pulled
Until his skin turned red
By morning all he had left
Were the feathers on his head,
His mother awoke and was
Taken by surprise.
She saw him, now bare
She couldn’t believe her eyes!
“Don’t worry little one,
this hard time will pass”
“But will it mom? Little Cockatiel cried,
“How long will it last?”
He tried to wear a collar,
He tried to take a bath,
He even laid in the sun,
But nothing helped it pass.
He had an idea,
And looked around his cage,
He searched under his papers,
He searched and searched for days.
He finally found some earrings,
So shiny and so gold
He rolled it in his beak,
The metal felt quite cold
Any time he felt the urge,
He grabbed his favorite toy,
He loved it so much,
It brought him so much joy!
Weeks and weeks later,
He started feeling better,
He looked in the mirror
And saw a tiny, cute feather.
As time went on, he saw more growth
First, One,
Then Two,
Then Three,
His little feathers grew and grew
He happily shouted Yippee!
Soon the Little Cockatiel
Overjoyed with his growth,
Celebrated how far he’d come
A song came from his throat.
“Looking in the mirror
What is it I see?”
“With or without feathers,
I am beautiful, I’m me!”